Have you been wondering if joining an online writing course cohort like Ship 30 for 30 will help you become a better online writer? Jump to the end for a discount link!
I had finished Tiago Forte’s Building A Second Brain and wanted to know if writing online is the ‘E’xpress from the C.O.D.E (Capture.Organise.Distill.Express).
So I jumped onboard and started sailing back in 2021.
What are 2 reasons NOT to join Ship 30 for 30?
It’s important to know what Ship 30 for 30 online writing course isn’t about.
1. Don’t join if you are looking at just long-form writing – like 500 or more words.
Ship 30 for 30 focuses on writing atomic essays, which are 250-300 words. It’s long enough to put across a main idea and supporting points. But too short for a long article with multiple ideas.
2. Don’t join if you think you want to write a book with this course.
Same reason as above, not a course for you to write an entire book but of course you can plan out your book that is made up of whole series of atomic essays!
What are the top reasons to join Ship 30 for 30?
And here are the compelling reasons if you want to join an excellent online writing course like Ship 30 for 30!
1. You want to build an online writing habit, publishing to the public.
2. You want to get immediate feedback to know what topics resonates with the public audience.
3. You want to have a supportive and engaging community that helps you grow.
4. Great writing, proven tips on how to improve your online writing to get people to start reading your publications.
5. To know if writing online is something you want to dedicate your time for.
I had such a great, though exhausting, time the first round I came back for additional sessions! And each time I learn something new and adjusted my writing styles and habits.
And thanks to Ship 30 for 30, my accountability partner is now a wonderful friend I can count on to hear my crazy ideas. While I don’t and can’t sustain publishing everyday, I do enjoy putting what I had learnt from the cohorts into practice.
Nothing focuses thinking like writing.
Use this link to get a discount code and save $100!
Ship 30 for 30 has grown very quickly in popularity, shipmates and not surprisingly the cost. I heard just months before I started it was less than US$100 to join.
Now it has increased to US$749 (for the 2022 October cohort). Of course, the materials and value jumped over time too.
They have mentioned as more modules and value are added, the prices will continue to climb over time. So joining early let’s you lock in the best current rates.
Moving to a brand new Circle platform ensured a better platform for the new and past cohorts. Dickie, Nicolas and the Ship 30 team has done a fantastic job with building the backend resources, gamifying the badges to add to the fun and giving out additional incentives during their twice weekly video calls.
For those who need a little nudge to sign up for the next cohort, here’s the discount coupon code to save $100 off your course fee. Disclaimer, it’s an affiliate link.
Good luck and enjoy the 30 days of publishing! It will change your life, one way or another! 🙂
UPDATE: 2024-07-13
Sorry, discount no longer valid.
First the good news: Ship30 for 30 is now much more affordable at US$350 instead of the US$800 it once was.
The not so great news – sadly, Ship 30 for 30 is no longer cohort run course. They have switched to the self-paced, online community driven course till further notice. The last cohort was in January 2024.
At the moment, my writing partner and I have not tried the new structure yet.
Till then, we’ll share our experiences here and recommendations.
UPDATE: 2023-03-21
Is Ship 30 for 30 worth it?
If you ever wondered if writing is your thing, the community and course pushes your creative boundaries beyond the comfort zone. And if you still are sailing at the end of the 30 days, you have 30 essays to show for it.
The price of admission has gone even higher recently so use the $100 off promo discount coupon code to save you some money.
The team continues to add more materials and value for the course, but it is getting expensive! If you think this will help with your writing interest or career, don’t wait too long to sign up as it will probably get even more costly in the future.
With the 100%, no-questions-asked refund & rollover policy helps if you change your mind.
And use the promo code / discount coupon included in this post to save $100!
I have a place for my heart for writing and I am thankful every day.